On October 14 and 15, the FreeFall Bluegrass Festival occurred in Vail Village, Colo. The weekend display lit up the Solaris and International Stages from the first musical note to the final run-through of American-rooted tunes. On display was an exciting lineup of artists that dipped into the desired genre and treated attendees to an extraordinary array of prowess.
Saturday started with The Rock and Roll Playhouse’s celebration of the music of The Beatles, which invited families to participate in fun intended for all ages. An hour later, Danger Mountain turned up for their stage time. The five-piece progressive bluegrass ensemble worked through choice material, to the joy of the audience.
Next, the schedule brought forth a frame from the Tenth Mountain Division in the midafternoon. Then, multi-instrumentalist and Leftover Salmon mainstay Drew Emmitt brought his solo project out before swapping places with fellow bandmate Andy Thorn, who was also in attendance with his independent outfit.
Day two picked up like the day prior, with a spectacular display put on by Rock and Roll Playhouse, who pulled in the Grateful Dead’s music throughout their coming together. As morning segued into the afternoon, Skin the Rabbit brought the heat during Bloodies & Bluegrass. Ace & Mastergrass took the stage next and were followed by Jeremy Garrett & River Wild.
For the final set of the event, an all-star grouping of musicians assembled under the name Bluegrass Generals, featuring Andy Hall, Chris Pandolfi, Greg Garrison, Jon Stickley, and Drew Emmitt, who collectively closed out the event.
ShowLove Media shared select photos from the event. Scroll down to view more.