Video of the Week #263: Luke RV and Juice Menace – Driver’s Seat

Video of the Week #263: Luke RV and Juice Menace – Driver’s Seat

Summer might be in the rearview mirror, but the collaboration between Luke RV and Juice Menace ‘Driver’s Seat’ has been stuck in my ears in recent weeks.

Luke RV’s distinctive and intricate flow, mixes laid-back besotted bars with affectionate singing. It’s passionate and you can hear his South Walian accent which roots it in a place and gives it a down-to-earth quality, which is always a bonus.

Scattered with piano notes, smooth beats and samples that skitter like stones across a lake, as effortlessly talented Cardiff MC, Juice Menace comes in with a slick second verse that outlines their relationship, the magnetic push and pull of a burgeoning partnership that could go anywhere. ‘Like Bonnie and Clyde,’ would you ride with me?’ indeed.

The video come courtesy of Silk Crayon who captures the two artists as they perform the track at a rooftop party on a sunny summer’s day. Watch the video here:

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