Notes on this week’s new release:
- Dua Lipa today releases her best single since Be The One. (Behind all the banging and crashing it’s also, in some respects, her most Be The One-esque single since Be The One.)
- A standing ovation please for everybody involved in the new Dua Lipa single: Clarence Coffee Jr, Jason Evigan, Sarah Hudson, Stephen Kozmeniuk and Dua Lipa.
- “I don’t want to live another life because this one’s pretty nice” in the new Dua Lipa single: pretty nice.
- Best artwork of the week: Dua Lipa‘s Physical.

- There’s a great bit in the new Dua Lipa single where it very very nearly goes ‘the full Bonnie Tyler’ and if that’s a hint that BT will be this year’s big unexpected pop influence, thus making her 2020’s answer to Trent Reznor, then, well, there would be worse things in the world.
- The new Dua Lipa single is so powerful it could reverse Brexit.
- Dua Lipa created something phenomenal, don’t you agree?