Rich Anthony’s “Only When It’s Dark Enough” A Beacon of Optimism

Rich Anthony’s “Only When It’s Dark Enough” A Beacon of Optimism

Rich Anthony tells stories that hit you where it matters the most. His latest single, “Only When It’s Dark Enough“, is not an exception. This track is about resilience and optimism. But for Anthony, it’s a mantra born from personal struggles and a deep desire to connect with others.

Writing songs like this isn’t easy for Anthony—it’s emotionally draining. He recalls working on “It Never Ends” in short bursts because it was too painful to tackle all at once. “A friend asked me why I was even writing it if it hurt so much,” he says. “I didn’t have an answer. I just knew I had to.” For him, songwriting is a way to process his own emotions while offering something meaningful to others.

Only When It’s Dark Enough” emphasizes that adversity often reveals hidden strength, clarity, and the potential for positive change. It encourages listeners to focus on the light, reminding them that difficult moments can lead to growth, optimism, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Balancing music with his day job as a high school physics teacher might seem like an unusual combination, but for Anthony, it makes perfect sense. His time in the classroom gives him insight into what young people are going through—their struggles, their hopes—and that often finds its way into his lyrics.

When asked what he hopes listeners take away from “Only When It’s Dark Enough”, Anthony doesn’t hesitate: hope. “The bridge is my favorite part,” he says. “We can dwell on all the darkness or fight for what is right. Till the darkness is no longer and all we see is light.’ Of course, there will always be darkness, but if we focus on the good things, they’ll shine brighter.”

Rich Anthony makes connections through his music. Whether he’s writing about addiction, hope, or everyday struggles, his songs are deeply universal. With “Only When It’s Dark Enough”, he reminds us all that even in our darkest moments, there’s always light waiting to be found—you just have to look for it.

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