Quietly honing her craft for a few years Aderyn showed she was a star with a cracking set at Wales Goes Pop. And her releases so far show this South Wales artist knows her way around a tune and has a voice that can cut out hooky melodies ladled with the ups and downs of life and love.
The giddy strums and effervescent melodies of her debut single ‘Lucozade’ balanced chirpiness with a bittersweet quality of frustration with a partner. With her glistening guitars and tumbling percussion, her second single ‘Silver Screen’ was crafty, catchy, and filled to the brim with heart. A sketch of growth and relationship melodrama, young South Walian Aderyn possesses an elastic voice that teeters between hopeful and heartbroken, sailing between bittersweet and kickass – Soccer Mommy and Courtney Barnett would surely approve. This nifty hooky chorus trembles wonderfully with a questioning “so where do I stand?” refrain that drops to an infectious “uh oh“. It’s an earworm that burrows its way into your head and you will be singing along for days.
We caught up with Aderyn to get to know her and her work a little better.
Hi, how are you today?
Hello, I’m good thanks, happy to chat to you over cyberspace.
How has lockdown treated you?
Before lockdown, I was working full time as a freelance drummer, so all my work dried up overnight. I ended up locked down on my parents’ farm and decided to pour my energy into recording some original songs. So in the end, I got quite a lot out of lockdown as I have been able to focus entirely on this project.
When did you first start writing songs?
I’ve always been obsessed with music and would write silly little songs all the time as a child. I’ve always channelled my feelings through songs or poems, for as long as I can remember. When I was about 19, I started getting more into playing the guitar, and that’s when I felt like I really found my stride with songwriting.
Your first single Lucozade seems quite personal and like you are coming to terms with feelings and a relationship, what inspired it?
I wrote that song one really hot summer when I was living in South London. I had a huge crush on my neighbour and the song is kind of meant to capture that dizzy, heart racing feeling you get every time you see that person, but it never quite coming to anything.
What’s the music scene like in South Wales?
The music scene in South Wales is amazing. It’s this really supportive community of totally diverse sounds. Welsh people are super friendly and that’s reflected in the music scene. It’s all love!
How would you describe your music in five words?
Spiky, hooky, infectious indie-pop.
Which artists do you admire?
David Bowie will always be an icon and an inspiration. I’m really into guitar-y stuff with good lyrics, stuff like Soccer Mommy, Courtney Barnett, Lucy Dacus and Arctic Monkeys.
What would be your dream collaboration?
Taylor Swift, every time.
I noticed you were part of the Forte project, do you think these kinds of schemes are helpful for developing emerging talent and giving it a platform?
I was really excited to be chosen for Forte project this year. I think schemes like Forte are great for helping artists in those early stages. There’s so much to learn when you start releasing music- PR, music video production, social media, trying to get played on the radio and playlists, alongside all the music itself. It’s been great to learn some of those skills and meet other artists doing the same thing.
Have you put together a live band for touring?
Yes! I’m really happy to be back rehearsing with my band. We’re gearing up for some studio time and gigs. I’m excited to hear how some of my more elaborate harmony ideas sound in real life- I love that Beach Boys sound.
What’s the best band you have played with so far?
I played Wales Goes Pop recently and really loved Fightmilk’s set. Even stripped back to just acoustic guitar the songs really shone through.
I really enjoyed your set at Wales goes pop are you itching to get out there and play shows again?
Thank you! I am dying to play live again to a rowdy, sweaty crowd. I’m pouring my all into developing a face-melting indie-pop set. I’ve got some killer musicians in my band and we’re all raring to get back on stage. That first gig is going to feel so electric!
I really love ‘Silver Screen’ – it’s so catchy yet there are times I think it’s about a relationship yet others, I think it’s about a date at the pictures what was the actual inspiration? I love the balance between tunefulness and glistening guitars and the more personal lyrics is that what you were going for?
Yes, that’s definitely what I was going for. I wanted the lyrics to feel like a diary entry, but to backed by thumping, Pixies style drums and guitars. The song is written retrospectively, which gives it that nostalgic mood. It’s about being a teenager falling in love and getting drunk together watching TV. One of those dysfunctional relationships that’s perfect in retrospect.
Have you got a full EP or album in the works?
I’m heading into the studio soon to record some new songs that I’m really excited about. So there’ll definitely be new music this summer. An EP is on the cards! Watch this space…
Thank you!