The President Of Pop is releasing his debut music video, “Google-ized by Google’s Eyes (The No Internet Song).” The skilled singer-songwriter has created an inspiring song, especially if we look at it through the lens of the global pandemic we are all going through. He strongly disagrees with the way social media is being used or overused, and how real interactions have become rarer by the day. In the beautifully composed and arranged song, The President of Pop imagines a world where no social media would rule our lives, and people would be much more aware of the reality they live in.
The President of Pop beautifully sings, “No imagination; nor freedom is left; their eyes are as dull as drones.”I’ll inspire these addicted Internet zombies to listen to their own heart’s rhythms,” “And forget Sergey Brin’s and Mark Zuckerberg’s soul-sucking money-making algorithms.” These powerful lyrics combined with the outstanding musicality emanating for the soundtrack will undoubtedly spark appeal among avid listeners in search of music with profound meaning.